Category: Services
Addict rehabilitation centers
-The available beds for mental illness are 6,650 beds in various mental health hospitals, and according to need analysis Egypt needs 16,600 beds to cover the needs of mentally ill people. -The percentage of actual addicts who deal with drugs continuously, harmful and regular, and they cannot quit according to national research are%6 , this…
Mental health Center and addict’s rehabilitation
– The prevalence of mental illness among adults with ages 18 to 64 are from 10 to 12% of the population and this is approximately 8 million who are suffering from mental illness. Some are detained and some of whom only need to visit clinics and follow up with a doctor. -The available beds for…
NICU – Neonate Intensive Care Unit (for newborns for premature babies)
The annual newborns in Egypt are 2.5 million children and 20% of them need NICU (approximately 500,000 per year), while all of Egypt had in all hospitals owned by the Ministry of Health and university hospitals no more than 4,000 NICUs, which lead that a proportion of these children are not receiving medical service in…
Renal Dialysis centers
Daily suffering suffered by a patient of kidney failure, as he has to spend 12 hours a week at three sessions per week, and the duration of the session is 4 hours at a time, i.e. about 576 hours per year on dialysis machines. According to the Egyptian Kidney Society, 25% of patients with kidney…
EWD clinics
Provides primary and secondary health care services through family doctors and specialized doctors in all medical aspects, in addition that it provides specialized follow up programs for chronic diseases, beside raising health awareness for the local community. Currently we are serving Dokki area in Giza governorate (serving 6000 patient/year) and Nagaa Hamady city in Qena…